09 October 2007

Obagi Nu-Derm System

The Obagi Nu-Derm® System
Transforms Skin so that it Looks and Acts
Younger and Healthier

Your patients come to you looking for solutions to correct unwanted signs of aging. Those signs caused by external factors and the natural breakdown in skin function as we age, include:

Fine lines and wrinkles

Sun and age spots

Uneven skin tone

Loss of elasticity and firmness

Loss of natural skin hydration

You have the ability to Transform their skin with the Obagi Nu-Derm System, proven to improve skin functions so that skin looks and acts younger and healthier.

How It Works: Transformation at the Cellular Level
The Obagi Nu-Derm System uses a unique combination of active and prescription ingredients - including Tretinoin and Hydroquinone 4% - to maximize penetration to all skin layers. The specific dosage and frequency are determined and monitored by you, according to your patient's skin condition, needs and lifestyle.

The System triggers our Therapeutic Cascade™ that:

Increases cellular turnover of abundant, healthy keratinocytes, pushing fresh cells to the surface more quickly and promoting old cells to exfoliate faster

Suppresses melanocyte production reversing and preventing hyperpigmentation

Promotes the even distribution of melanin, eliminating unwanted dark patches and age spots

Improves intracellular transcription of keratinocytes, producing healthy, uniform cells for better skin structure

Stimulates fibroblasts to increase collagen and elastin formation, resulting in stronger, more resilient skin

Increases GAG synthesis, providing natural hydration and necessary nutrients to the epidermis

Increases angiogenesis, improving blood flow

Selecting Patients for the Obagi Nu-Derm System
The Obagi Nu-Derm System is best for patients who are willing to commit to a comprehensive skin care protocol and will tolerate side effects. They also can be identified by the following:

Concerned about mild to severe photodamage

Want to eliminate sun or age spots and have hyperpigmentation

Have fine lines, wrinkles and laxity

Experience adult acne

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