25 October 2007



Cellulite, you can't live with it. But how to get rid of cellulite? Treatments for cellulite reduction have been few and far between. Finally, there's a cellulite treatment that actually works to improve the appearance of unsightly and embarrassing cellulite. It's called mesotherapy!
Cellulite and you ... You are not alone!

Cellulite (Scientifically speaking Dermatomyoliposclerosis or DMLS) is a condition that according to numerous sources affects 90%-95% of women. It does not matter if you are obese, overweight, normal weight, or underweight, cellulite is not a condition dependant on how much you weigh.

Cellulite is not attractive, it can appear on many parts of the body although it favors the hips, buttocks and thighs.
Something is not right.

Cellulite is not the norm, if you have cellulite, something "abnormal" is happening in your skin and fat cells, particularly the subcutaneous (or top level) level of the skin tissue. Mesotherapy is a cellulite treatment that seeks to correct this abnormality by attacking those things which cause cellulite to develop in the first place.
The Formation Of Collagen

In common terms, cellulite is caused mainly because of a "drainage problem" and strangled fat.

Fat cells are living things that are necessary things for the survival of our species. In women, fat cells are arranged a little bit differently than men (which is why cellulite does not usually affect men) because women, since the birth of time, carry more fat and less muscle than men.

The lumpy, bumpy, "orange peel," or "cottage cheese" appearance of cellulite is caused by "strangled fat." Here is how. Picture if you can that underneath your skin is a mesh work of collagen fibers (septae) that resemble "fish net stockings." In the subcutaneous level of your skin, your fat cells are held in place by this fish net. When your fat cells are not "bloated" with water and/or fat, nothing sticks through the threads and everything looks nice.

BUT, and here is where the drainage problem comes in, when water and/or fat enters the fat cells, they bulge, if your cellulite metabolism is working right, your body makes the corrections necessary and drains the area. If it is not working correctly or is overloaded (unfortunately this is what happens in over 90% of women) the fat cells expand against the collagen threads of your fish net stocking and the fat cells bulge out and like sausage links that are twisted at the ends, cannot escape! The cellulite is here to stay because it cannot be drained out no matter how much you exercise or diet. The end result of all this disturbed metabolism is the formation of scar tissue which further contributes to the formation of cellulite.

We should note here that in cases of being overweight or obese, two levels of fat cells exist beneath the subcutaneous skin layer. While they themselves cannot be affected by cellulite, when they enlarge they push against the upper fat cells making the cellulite appear that much worse.
How Cellulite Develops
How Come You Got Cellulite?

1. Thanks Mom! - All the factors that make you predisposed to developing cellulite can be inherited from Mom. If Mom has cellulite, you almost assuredly develop cellulite.

2. Thanks Kids! - Pregnancy can cause cellulite. In preparing your body to give birth, it secretes hormones that "loosens" things up to allow parts of you to stretch more than you would believe possible. This means that a lot of connective and supportive soft tissue is becoming weak or "lax" and not holding things (including fat) in place. Can you imagine your skin not stretching over your abdomen and remaining tight and resilient for 9 months?

Pregnancy also causes "The Drainage Problem." This is why you retain water in your legs and ankles, pregnancy causing problems of circulation, effecting that very drainage system needed to get rid of water and fat in your fat cells in your subcutaneous skin level in your butt, thighs and hips!

3. The Drainage Problem - A Sluggish Lymphatic System - The lymphatic system of the body is the waste removal system. When the lymph system gets bogged down carrying more "garbage" than it can handle, cellulite can develop. What bogs down the lymph system? Lot's of things, mostly things you can control like the toxins from cigarettes, alcohol, heavily processed foods, excess fats, refined sugars, and free radicals from oxidative stress.

Chronic infections, autoimmune disorders and other health issues also bog down the lymph system. When you clog up the lymph system, it cannot drain the fat and water from your celluilte areas.

4. Obesity - Obesity in itself may not cause cellulite, but it will make the situation look a lot worse as explained above.

5. Liposuction - What? Liposuction causes Celluilte? Any medical procedure to the areas of highest cellulite risk can cause cellulite to worsen in appearance. During medical procedures connective tissue gets damaged, stretched, distorted. Damaged connective tissue can mean cellulite. If you get a "Run" in your "Fish Nets," your legs, no matter how shapely, just won't look as good.
How Mesotherapy Attacks Cellulite
So How Can Mesotherapy Help?

Mesotherapy allows those medications, enzymes and vitamins that can improve circulation and drainage as well as dissolve scar tissue and shrink fat to penetrate where they can work best. The results speak for themselves. Provided your mesotherapy practitioner classifies you as a good candidate and uses the appropriate formulas most people can expect gratifying results. Remember, though, you didn't get cellulite overnight so it won't dissappear in a day. Mesotherapy for cellulite can take 10-15 treatments before significant results are apparent.
What If It Isn't Cellulite?

Not infrequently women seek improvement for what they think is cellulite. An experienced mesotherapy practitioner can tell you if your condition is representative of uncomplicated cellulite or whether sun damage, skin laxity, and excessive previous liposuction are contributing to the unwanted appearance of your legs. If this is the case your results may not be as good and other treatments should be sought.


UltraShape is a new non-invasive procedure that uses ultrasound to break down fat cells that are then eliminated through the body's own natural physiological and metabolic pathways. The result is similar to liposuction but without any invasive surgery, bruising or downtime. It is also the answer to lipodissolve, another method used to remove fat. Unlike lipodissolve or mesotherapy, there are no needles or injections required. UltraShape is based on a revolutionary breakthrough that uses ultrasound waves. The ultrasound waves break down the fat cells without affecting any of the surrounding tissues or organs. The fat is then eliminated through the body’s own natural elimination processes.
UltraShape Procedure

The UltraShape™ procedure is a non invasive treatment that takes place in the doctor's office. The doctor first examines the patient and then and marks the area designated for treatment. The patient lies on a comfortable bed while the operator uses the hand-held transducer to convert electrical energy into ultrasound energy and gently delivers focused therapeutic ultrasound energy over the marked region. In this way, the fat cells are selectively and safely disrupted. The entire procedure is guided by UltraShape’s advanced tracking technology which ensures smooth, uniform contouring.

As opposed to liposuction, UltraShape only destroys the fat cells in the treatment area. Nerves and connective tissue are not affected at all. This is one of the reasons that the treatment does not cause any pain. One treatment lasts between 1 and 2 hours depending on the size of the area and where it is situated on the body.
Areas of Treatment

UltraShape focuses on the following areas:

* abdomen
* thighs
* love handles
* saddle bags

UltraShape Clinical Results

* Clinically proven body contouring solution
* Clinically demonstrated fat thickness and circumference reduction
* Safe removal of fat cells through the body's natural physiological pathways
* An average reduction of two centimeters in body circumference after a single treatment
* Multiple treatments deliver incremental circumference reduction

UltraShape is currently available in Canada and is waitng FDA approval in the United States.


The belief that cellulite is a sign of obesity is a myth: In reality, more than 80% of women over the age of 20, regardless of their weight or size, are affected by cellulite. VelaSmooth is the first non-invasive, cellulite reduction system that is FDA approved. It is performed using a medical device that utilizes elōs technology. It is safe and has been proven effective in reducing the appearance of cellulite and re-contouring the body.
elōs Technology

elōs is the first and only technology that simultaneously harnesses the power of bi-polar radio frequency (RF) and optical energy. This technlolgy was developed by the Intense Pulse Light inventor, Dr. Shimon Eckhouse and physicist, Dr. Michael Kreindel. Radio frequency is a highly controllable energy heat source that works synergistically with optical energy. It enables the use of light energy at a level that is safe for all skin types.
Velasmooth Procedure

During VelaSmooth treatments, infrared light is used to heat the target area and increase the elasticity of the skin. Then, conducted Radio Frequency penetrates to heat the fat cells below the surface of the skin. This heat also promotes better circulation to the local area, allowing more oxygen exchange for increased fat cell metabolism.

The final step involves smoothing the surface of the skin by combining a vacuum action with a deep tissue massage. The combined heat energy of the VelaSmooth system goes deep to mobilize fat, and also stimulates the formation of new collagen. The result is smoother skin. It is this combination of actions, penetrating right to the level of individual fat cells that makes VelaSmooth technology so unique and effective.
Additional Information

Patients should be prepared to commit to the full regimen of two treatments a weeks for 8 weeks, as well as maintenance. Dieting and exercise will definitely help to maintain one’s results over the long term.

Although VelaSmooth is not a weight loss tool, many patients look and feel as though they have lost weight because their bodies are better proportioned than before.


Mesotherapy originated in France in the 1950s and has now spread around the world. Mesotherapy has been used in Clinical practice since its introduction in 1952 by Dr. M. Pistor. Currently 15,000 physicians in France utilize the technique and there has been no evidence at present of any long-term consequences of Mesotherapy. It is the practice of injecting small amounts of medications (microinjections) and vitamins, minerals, amino acids and medications below the surface of the skin to bring their healing properties to the treated areas.

Mesotherapy is a procedure used in the USA primarily for cellulite reduction in unwanted areas as well as for skin rejuvenation. Mesotherapy has minimal side effects if these medications are used in small amounts.

For many physicians, including plastic and cosmetic surgeons, the most effective technique they offer for the treatment of cellulite is mesotherapy. If you're searching for a physician or healthcare professional who performs mesotherapy in your area, you came to the right place. Getmeso.com is the most comprehensive listing of mesotherapy doctors on the Internet.
Mesotherapy Procedure

Prior to a mesotherapy session, your doctor should identify and map the area to be treated. Once the area is mapped, the site is cleansed with alcohol, and the patient placed on the treatment table before micro-injections are given. During the procedure your doctor uses a very short and thin needle making multiple injections of homeopathic medications traditional pharmaceuticals, vitamins, mineral and amino acids into the targeted area. All medications are selected for the specific condition being treated. For overall weight loss your doctor may inject larger areas to cause a general dissolution of the fat over your body. When treating cellulite, one formulation of medications may be used to dissolve the fat and another to destroy the fibrous bands that bind the skin. Mesotherapy is custom-tailored for each individual. Unlike surgery, mesotherapy is virtually painless. There are no heavy bandages or girdles that need to be worn and one can resume work with relatively no downtime.
Mesotherapy in The News

You have seen mesotherapy featured on such television shows as 48 Hours, The View, 20/20, and in such national newspapers as The Washington Post, The New York Times, and USA Today, as well as many woman's magazines including People Magazine, W Magazine, Allure, Elle, among others. Read more.

With the explosion in awareness about cosmetic enhancement many people are looking for a kinder, gentler way. Less is more. Mesotherapy seems to fit that bill.

Mesotherapy has been used for bodysculpting as an alternative to liposuction. Mesotherapy can shrink belly fat, double chins, saddlebags and bra bulge. For some it is a reasonable alternative to surgery to shrink fat underneath the eyes. As a cellulite treatment mesotherapy has no peers. Cottage cheese and dimpling fade away. Many believe mesotherapy to be far, far superior to endermology or any laser treatment.

Facial mesotherapy using vitamins and hyaluronic acid can create glow and really rejuvenate. In many instances the Mesolift or Mesoglow can be performed two or three days BEFORE your daughter's or grand daughter's wedding for a healthy radiant glow. (Even the Bride can be treated!)
Is Mesotherapy a New Treatment?

You will be surprised to learn that mesotherapy is not a new procedure. It has actually been performed in Europe for over 50 years. It was developed by the French physician Michel Pistor, M.D. to treat a variety of health ailments. Over the course of time, his colleagues in both Europe and South America discovered the mesotherapy was amazingly effective in handling cosmetic problems formally confined to the field of plastic and cosmetic surgery.